Thursday, December 21, 2017

[Matlab] Animate a plot and Play a video

A plot can be animated along with x axis, and a video also can be played in Matlab.

Three basic techniques are used for creating animations.
1. Update the properties of a graphics object and display the updates on the screen. This is useful for creating animations when most of the graph remains the same.
2. Apply transforms to objects. This is useful when you want to operate on the position and orientation of a group of objects together.
3. Create a movie. Movies are useful if you have a complex animation that does not draw quickly in real time, or if you want to store an animation to replay it. Use the getframe and movie functions to create a movie.

Below are examples for animations.

1. Plot animation

%% Real time floating axis
h = animatedline;
% axis([0,12,-1,1]); 
timestep = 0.1;
x = 0:timestep:12;%4*pi;
y = sin(x);
tic; % start timer
% h = animatedline(x,y,'Color','r','LineWidth',2);

for k = 1:length(x)
    b=toc;% check timer
    if k==1
        timestep = 0;       
        if b < timestep % Calculated time is bigger than timer?
            pause(timestep - b); % Then, pause until time = timer
            drawnow % update
    timestep = timestep + 0.1;

2. Play a video

% Load a video file
video = 'C:\movie.avi';
% Read a file
v = VideoReader(video);
vWid = v.Width; vHei = v.Height;
% Frame per second
fps = get(v, 'FrameRate');
currAxes = axes;
v.CurrentTime = 0;% Specify the starting time [sec]
v.Duration % [sec] Unable to set ths property. Read-only property. Total play time
while hasFrame(v)
  vidFrame = readFrame(v);
  ts = toc;
  image(vidFrame, 'Parent', currAxes);% Display each frame
  currAxes.Visible = 'off';
  if ts <= k
    pause(k-ts); % Wait until time = timer
  k=k+1/fps; % Calculate time

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

[Matlab] Publish function (Create a report automatically)

It is often required to print a formatted report for results. Publish enables us to automatically create a report after simulation.
* For better report, see Matlab Report Generator
It supports html, doc, ppt, pdf, latex, and xml format as report, and the recommended format is html and pdf.

>> help publish

Monday, December 18, 2017

[Simulink] Moving average design without Signal Processing Toolbox

When designing a moving average filter in Simulink, it is normally not hard to create a model with basic Simulink blocks. However, in case of designing a moving average filter of 100 window size, it is not good idea to add 100 blocks of the Delay. So instead of using the Delay, we can use the block 'Matlab Function' where a moving average filter is coded.

* code